Bold & Direct Greeting Cards

The Only Way To Say It!

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Mother's Day

Get Well

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Featured Card

"Today Is the Day You Entered..."

A great gift for a someone celebrating a birthday!

Inside Text: The gift I give to you today!
Dimensions: 5″ x 7″ / 10″ x 7″
Envelope included.
Shipping cost: $2.99
Standard Delivery: 3 to 5 days
Price: $4.99

What our customers say...

When I sent your mother’s day card to my mother, she called me and asked me where did I find this beautiful card. Guess what? My mother never called and commented on any card I sent to her. It made my day.
Mary C.
Verified Customer
After I read your card to my 82 year old mother, my mom cried and my brother said, whoever wrote that card should get the greeting card of the year. Your cards are beautiful.
Clayta G.
Verified Customer
I found myself reading all of your cards and I got to tell you, these need to be in stores all over the country. They are so different and they get you the minute you start reading.
Leon M.
Verified Customer

Store Policies


Cards are shipped via USPS, 1 to 3 business days from when the order is received. Standard delivery time is 3 to 5 days.

Refunds & Returns

ALL SALES FINAL - Bold and Direct does not offer Exchanges, Returns or Refunds of any kind on any items offered for sale in our online store.


We accept all major credit and debit cards. All online payments are handled securely through PayPal.


We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. See our Privacy Policy for full details.

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